Thermogenic L-Carnitine Effervescent 20 Tablet Orange 20 Effervescent Tablet
3.79 TL Reward Points.
Gramage :
429.00 TL 379.00 TL
Portion Cost: 18.95 TL
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L-Carnitine is synthesized in the liver and kidneys; It is an amino acid derivative that is stored throughout the body, especially in the brain, heart and muscles, and whose main function is to transport fatty acids to the mitochondria in the cells for energy production. Fatty acids transported to cells with the help of L-Carnitine are converted into energy by mitochondria.
The L-Carnitine used in Torq Nutrition Thermogenic L-Carnitine is patented by CarniTorq™ and has a high degree of purity.
- It is the first L-Carnitine product in effervescent form in Turkey.
- Contains 1100 MG L-Carnitine in each serving.
- CarniTorq™ contains patented raw materials.
- Fortified with Caffeine, Taurine, Chromium, Green Tea and vitamins.
- The supplement contains vitamin B complex.
- It does not contain aspartame.
- It has an effervescent form.
Nutritional Information
2 tablet
20 efervesan tablet
L-Karnitin / L-Carnitine
1100 mg
Taurin / Taurine
200 mg
Kafein / Caffeine
200 mg
Koenzim Q10 / Coenzyme Q10
2 mg
Vitamin C (L-Askorbik Asit)
100 mg
Vitamin B1 (Tiamin Hidroklorür)
2 mg
Vitamin B3 (Nikotinamid)
6 mg
Vitamin B6 (Piridoksin Hdroklorür)
4 mg
Vitamin B12 (Siyanokobalamin)
20 mcg
Çinko / Zinc
10 mg
- Diet
- Form
- Cardiovascular Health
Usage Time
- Pre-Workout
Price Performance
- Serv Count: 20 efervesan tablet
- Serv Cost: 18.95 TL
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