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BOOST Pre-Workout Watermelon 450 Gr
7.49 TL Reward Points.
Different Aroma Not Available!
849.00 TL 749.00 TL
Portion Cost: 24.97 TL
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200 Mesh Creatine Monohydrate
Ginseng Complex and Rodiola Extract
Torq Nutrition BOOST Pre-Workout is a pre-workout product in powder form. It has a complex content for athletes who do intense training. It provides increased performance, strength and endurance. BOOST Pre-Workout increases the nitric oxide gas in the body thanks to its complex amino acid content and takes the Pump effect to the top.
Boost Pre-Workout Features
- It has a complex formula consisting of 23 components such as BCAA, Beta Alanine, Creatine, Arginine and Tyrosine.
- It has added caffeine and Rhodiola extracts.
- It has added electrolytes for intense and long-term training.
- It has added vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12.
- It has fast absorption in powder form.
- It has a delicious watermelon flavor.
Mix 1 portion (1 scoop) with 250-500 ml of water and drink 20-30 minutes before the activity.
Nutritional Information
15 Gram (1 Ölçek)
30 Service
Taurin / Taurine
882 mg
Kafein / Caffeine
264 mg
Ginseng Kompleks (Sibirya ve Kore Ginsengi)
88 mg
Rodiola (Rhodiola Rosea) Ekstresi
88 mg
İnositol / Inositol
88 mg
Vitamin B1 (Tiyamin Hidroklorit)
18,5 mg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
20,3 mg
Vitamin B3 (Nikotinamid)
22,5 mg
Vitamin B5 (Kalsiyum D-Pantotenat)
10,5 mg
Vitamin B6 (Piridoksin Hidroklorit)
8,8 mg
Vitamin B12 (Siyanokobalamin)
282 mcg
Biyotin (D-Biyotin)
88 mcg
Folik Asit (Pteroilmonoglutamik Asit)
282 mcg
Elektrolitler / Electrolytes
120 mg
Sodyum Klorür / Sodium Chloride
67,5 mg
Potasyum Klorür / Potassium Chloride
52,5 mg
Kreatin Monohidrat (200 Mesh)
2000 mg
L-Arjinin Alfa-Ketoglutarat (AAKG)
2205 mg
BCAA (2:1:1) (L-Lösin, L-İzolösin, L-Valin)
2205 mg
Beta-Alanin / Beta-Alanine
2588 mg
L-Tirozin / L-Tyrozine
335 mg
Aktiviteden 20-30 dakika önce 1 porsiyon (1 ölçek) olacak şekilde 250-500 ml. su ile karıştırarak içiniz.
- Performance
- Energy
- Muscle Building
- Endurance
Usage Time
- Pre-Workout
Price Performance
- Serv Count: 30 Service
- Serv Cost: 24.97 TL