Tip 1-2-3 Multi Collagen Flavorless 300 Gr - 30 Service

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Tip 1-2-3 Multi Collagen Flavorless 300 Gr - 30 Service

8.99 TL Reward Points.
Different Aroma Not Available!
  • 999.00 TL 899.00 TL

  • Portion Cost: 29.97 TL
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Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptide
Zero sugar
Rich content with added hyaluronic acid and vitamin C
Type 1-2-3 hydrolyzed collagen together

Torq Nutrition TYPE 1-2-3 MULTI COLLAGEN, which contains three different hydrolyzed collagens as Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3, is a specially formulated food supplement. In addition to its effective collagen content, it is also supported with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C. Thanks to its flavorless powder form suitable for daily use, you can easily consume it with all your drinks

  • It offers 3 different collagen support of 9820 mg in each serving.
  • It has hyaluronic acid and vitamin C added.

You can use it by mixing 1 scoop of 10 G per day with 300 ml of water, milk or other beverages.

Nutritional Information
10 Gram (Bir Ölçek)
30 Service
Enerji / Energy 36,9 kcal / 154,49 kj
Yağ / Fat 0 g
Karbonhidrat / Carbohydrate 0 g
Şeker / Sugar 0 g
Protein / Protein 9,15 g
Hidrolize Kolajen Peptid 9820 mg.
Tip 1 Hidrolize Kolajen Peptid 7776 mg.
Tip 2 Hidrolize Kolajen Peptid 100 mg.
Tip 3 Hidrolize Kolajen Peptid 1944 mg.
Vitamin C (Kalsiyum L-Askorbat) 100 mg.
Hyalüronik Asit / Hyaluronic Acid 80 mg.
Amino Asit Profili - Amıno Acıd Profıle ***
L-Alanin / L-Alanıne 824 mg
L-Arjinin / L-Argınıne 682 mg
L-Aspartik Asid / L-Aspartıc Acıd 505 mg
L-Glutamik Asid / L-Glutaıc Acıd 902 mg
L-Glisin / L-Glycıne 2228 mg
L-Histidin / L-Hıstıdıne 62 mg
L-Hidroksiprolin / L-Hydroxprolıne 1046 mg
L-İzolösin / L-Isoleucıne (BCAA) 106 mg
L-Lösin / L-Leucıne (BCAA) 245 mg
L-Lizin / L-Lysıne 325 mg
L-Metiyonin / L-Methıonıne 86 mg
L-Ornitin / L-Ornıthıne 5 mg
L-Fenilalanin / L-Phenylalanıne 166 mg
L-Prolin / L-Prolıne 1254 mg
L-Serin / L-Serıne 301 mg
L-Treonin / L-Threonıne 164 mg
L-Tirozin / L-Tyrosıne 31 mg
L-Valin / L-Valıne (BCAA) 218 mg
Günde 1 ölçek 10 gr olacak şekilde 300 ml su, süt veya diğer içeceklerinizle karıştırarak kullanabilirsiniz.

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